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Too many people who dream of bringing Good News to the whole Creation keep turning a blind eye to the slow death of the Earth. I am made of earth, water, fire and air. I am made of birds, of branches, of fish and of insects. I am made of what I feed myself with. I am made of metal and of parcels of dust coming from far away galaxies. The solar system, the planet Earth, plants, animals, humans, my own body, all of us are connected through an infinite number of particles of the same nature. A same energy moves us by pushing us towards the grandiose dance of the cosmos.             I am a child of the earth, of the water and of the fire, and the breath of air that inhabits me makes me the brother of the wind. With the flesh and the blood, with all the cells, the fibers and the energies of my being, I am tied up to the universe. My breath is the umbilical cord which ties me to it; it makes me breathe with hi...


FOR THE NEW EVANGELIZATION      God speaks through the cries and the silences of the impoverished of the Earth. The new evangelization will have to pick up that voice; if not, it will only be a new miscarriage.                                                        Lazarus (Luke 16, 21)  EVERYTHING WAS STOLEN FROM THE POOR, EVEN THE GOSPEL        Nothing can be done about it. The intellectuals, the church people, the biblical experts, the televangelists, the priests, the pastors, the bishops or the popes are not the owners of the gospel. The gospel does not belong to them or to me.  It belongs to the poor.    That is sim...


          A mere detail concerning the New Evangelization : within a society where secularism and “laicity” are nearly the norm, the Church who herself is massively made up of  lay people should not feel like a fish out of its element…since the Church is first of all  made up of 99.9997% of lay people,  and Jesus is one of them!          A CATHOLIC AND… LAY CHURCH                            The word «lay» is an old term that the Church uses to designate the people who are not part of the «clergy». On a world scale, the catholic clergy adds up to about 413 000 members, while the official number of lay people (including a non-practicing majority) amounts more or less to 1 195  600 000. And so, the clergy forms about 0.0003% of the Catholic Church, and the lay people 99.9997%. We can say that it is within...


TITANIC-CHURCH AND NEW EVANGELIZATION Dear Church, you are not Peter’s boat any longer but a dilapidated vessel of the arrogant and now defunct White Star Line. Full of your past glories, you think that you are unsinkable, since you are saying: « I am infallible! »…Open your eyes. The ice shelf is near you, there, on the right.    Give your boat a strong stroke towards the left, if not, you will go down like the Titanic, you, the queen of the seas, you, the new Tyre… (Ezekiel 27: 25-36). The duty of conversion, it is also for you, you know that very well.        It is true that on the left there are many risks, but nowadays that is where there are lots of fish.      It is on the left that reside dreams, the heart, utopia, the intuition of that Kingdom for which Jesus gave his life.  Either you resolutely head for those lands that are still badly cleared and need you, or either you go down at the ...


  THE BENT OVER WOMAN The woman could not stand straight. For 18 years, for 18 centuries, for thousands of years, she lived bent over, turned on herself and tied down.       That was the work of the devil, it was said. Women had encounters with the devil. This was something well known. They used the devil to do peculiar things, like cures, for example, or have babies, see things… First of all, we dressed up the women from head to foot, we locked them away, we cloistered them and we stoned many of them because we believed that they were more or less all prostitutes. We made them responsible for the vices and the sins of the men. A man would rape, strangle, massacre kill and we would say: « look for the woman ». Next, we had them to be burnt alive. If a village was struck by catastrophe, it was the witches’ fault. A witch-hunt was then launched. We always ended by finding a witch. Was there a woman who had become very keen on cats or picked up str...


   This is something known, that consumption is the secret to economic growth. But when we reach a point when we live so as to consume instead of consuming so as to live, consumption transforms itself into a real cancer which brings society directly to its self-destruction.          Because by consuming like insatiable animals, we fatten up those who devour us: the Banks, the multinationals, the fiscal paradises (with their 32 trillion dollars slipped between the fingers of the income tax!) and all the powerful lobbyists who, to fill up the pockets of their stockholders, lead by the nose the economy, and so politics, of all the countries of the world. That is how our unbridled consumption goes on seeing records of obeseness among those who constitute the 1% of the human fauna and condemns the rest of the world to a dry diet.                The more we b...

THE « EVOLUTION » ACCORDING TO JESUS or the Truth about ourselves

Submitted to the law of growth, the living realizes oneself only by steps, in a progressive way, most of the time without any shock, but at times by starts or even by explosions. The adult is already present in the child, but the adult shows up only after a long series of transformations. From the womb of the mother up to the sepulchre, we become other while never stopping from being who we are. What is true for the individual is also true for the whole of mankind. Because mankind is alive, it is in the process of perpetual growth. Like each individual, it goes from childhood to maturity. Emerging from the deep night of the unconscious, it proceeds very slowly to full consciousness. Humanity is going through an « evolution ». When it will reach the height of that long process of transformation, mankind will begin to decline and finally die away. Still, it is possible that mankind would not die away, because somewhere at the heart of our being, throbs an in...


I cannot call myself a human and remain neutral in a world where so many human beings are neglected, rejected, oppressed, and ignored. So, I must decide on which side I am. I am on the side of the little ones against all those who abuse them. I am on the side of greatness and dignity of each human being here on earth, against the injustice of any kind, be it of the right or of the left, which creates poverty, cultivates it and multiplies it. My country is justice, in solidarity with all those who are in love with it, beyond any banner and any party, beyond any system and any ideology, beyond any religion and any absence of religion. I am not with that official and so-called democratic justice which those who have the dough are, on a daily basis, trafficking with, but with that justice which gives to those who have nothing the same rights and the same power than those who have everything.  I am with that justice which recogn...


Jesus describes for us a world like being a field that he himself has sowed with good seed.  But the hand of an enemy succeeded also to sow in it a detestable weed called «chaff». It looks like a wheat plant, but its seeds are poisonous and cause giddiness like alcohol intoxication.         « The good seed, explains Jesus, are the children of the Kingdom; the chaff are the supporters of the Evil One » (Matt. 13:38).             It is now clear that in the world, according to Jesus, there are, on one side, the good people, and on the other side, the evil people, on one side, the cowboys who have all the rights, and on the other side, the Indians who are entirely to blame. The world would be some kind of an old western movie.           Still, knowing Jesus a little, we know very well that in his head things are far from being so...