My hope, in the desert The world does not lack hope, but the hope of some is not always that of the others. For example, the hope of the Israelis is not the same as the hope of the Palestinians, the hope of the youth is not that of the elders, and the hope of the poor is light years away from the hope of the rich. In the Church, things are not much different. The hope of the Lefebvre followers, to name only one, does not at all coincide with mine. The hope of those who try to articulate the Gospel with the values of the modern world is surely not the one of an aging pope who has a hard time to hide his antipathy for a world that is not his. In the past, in the Church, hope was to go to heaven. Even if we were quibbling with one another about the ways of going there, everybody agreed on that. But would that be only what there is about Christian hope? Christian hope What was the hope of ...