
Showing posts from August, 2012


I cannot call myself a human and remain neutral in a world where so many human beings are neglected, rejected, oppressed, and ignored. So, I must decide on which side I am. I am on the side of the little ones against all those who abuse them. I am on the side of greatness and dignity of each human being here on earth, against the injustice of any kind, be it of the right or of the left, which creates poverty, cultivates it and multiplies it. My country is justice, in solidarity with all those who are in love with it, beyond any banner and any party, beyond any system and any ideology, beyond any religion and any absence of religion. I am not with that official and so-called democratic justice which those who have the dough are, on a daily basis, trafficking with, but with that justice which gives to those who have nothing the same rights and the same power than those who have everything.  I am with that justice which recogn...


Jesus describes for us a world like being a field that he himself has sowed with good seed.  But the hand of an enemy succeeded also to sow in it a detestable weed called «chaff». It looks like a wheat plant, but its seeds are poisonous and cause giddiness like alcohol intoxication.         « The good seed, explains Jesus, are the children of the Kingdom; the chaff are the supporters of the Evil One » (Matt. 13:38).             It is now clear that in the world, according to Jesus, there are, on one side, the good people, and on the other side, the evil people, on one side, the cowboys who have all the rights, and on the other side, the Indians who are entirely to blame. The world would be some kind of an old western movie.           Still, knowing Jesus a little, we know very well that in his head things are far from being so...