
Showing posts from November, 2012


Too many people who dream of bringing Good News to the whole Creation keep turning a blind eye to the slow death of the Earth. I am made of earth, water, fire and air. I am made of birds, of branches, of fish and of insects. I am made of what I feed myself with. I am made of metal and of parcels of dust coming from far away galaxies. The solar system, the planet Earth, plants, animals, humans, my own body, all of us are connected through an infinite number of particles of the same nature. A same energy moves us by pushing us towards the grandiose dance of the cosmos.             I am a child of the earth, of the water and of the fire, and the breath of air that inhabits me makes me the brother of the wind. With the flesh and the blood, with all the cells, the fibers and the energies of my being, I am tied up to the universe. My breath is the umbilical cord which ties me to it; it makes me breathe with hi...


FOR THE NEW EVANGELIZATION      God speaks through the cries and the silences of the impoverished of the Earth. The new evangelization will have to pick up that voice; if not, it will only be a new miscarriage.                                                        Lazarus (Luke 16, 21)  EVERYTHING WAS STOLEN FROM THE POOR, EVEN THE GOSPEL        Nothing can be done about it. The intellectuals, the church people, the biblical experts, the televangelists, the priests, the pastors, the bishops or the popes are not the owners of the gospel. The gospel does not belong to them or to me.  It belongs to the poor.    That is sim...