Y ou were a good boy, Nelson. Many thanks for what you did. Be happy forever! « Nelson » by Eloy Roy To look like you a little, one would have to come back to life and become a new man like you did after 27 years in jail. That would be an eternal Christmas for the whole of Earth. Already because of you, we feel that we are better people, less harsh, more open, more human. Your life kindles a soft light in our hearts. Greet Jesus for us. Because of you, we know him better. You never talked to us about him openly, but you were doing things that looked like his. You gave to Jesus’ face a black look which suits him perfectly. Like you, he was a non-standard fighter with a heart as large as the world. And his smile was dazzling like yours. Goodbye, Nelson! Peace and love to all my sisters and brothers of all colors and of all...