In The Joy of the Gospel that was just published by Pope Francis, I discover without any surprise that most heresies for which I was suspected are now papal words to be spread throughout the world. Good sense wins. Unfortunately, we had to wait that the Church be on the brink of total failure so that such a miracle would take place. I can now rest in peace. MY LAST BLOG It is with great joy that I have lived out that blog, but time has come to turn towards something else. For many years, I have put aside things which I feel passionately about. I always tell myself: «I will take care of those things when I am old. » I do not really know if I am old enough, but before I die, I insist on bringing myself together so as to dedicate myself to what is essential. At least, that is my wish. What is the essential?... I am still searching for it. It has shown its face here and there through my unpretentious writings, but, to be quite hones...