THE PROPHECY OF EASTER (click on the pic)

A tulip in bud The shackles of Egypt are broken. Prisons are going empty. Pharaoh is going under. The enslaved people are raising their head and charging ahead towards freedom. They shout with joy. It is the Passover! The Christian Passover takes up the Jewish Passover and carries it to extremes. All sufferings, all deaths and even nothingness are swallowed up in the tomb of Jesus while from the root of matter and from all broken flesh rises in silence the luminous freshness of a new Creation. Jesus is risen and the world is saved. And yet, day after day, the most beautiful hopes are being slaughtered. Caiaphas, Herod, Pilate and Judas keep on ruling as masters on the Earth. The great Reality which guides us and helps us to live is not the light of a world transfigured by the Resurrection, but the Market. ...