Internet No oppressor is good, and no oppressed is bad Fidel, I do not want to offend you, but I am asking myself how come you let Nelson Mandela overtake you... The apartheid regime of South Africa was maybe more cruel than the one laying to waste Cuba under the thumb of Batista and of his mafiosi yankees. Under the inspiration of the CIA (her again!), the criminals who were ransacking and pillaging South Africa took hold of Mandela and had him imprisoned. For 27 years, he suffered hell. But in jail, Mandela grew up, so much so that in the eyes of the people he became a hero as popular as you in Cuba. When he came out of that inferno, he could have only to snap his fingers so that the people rise up and make a stew with the oppressors. But Nelson did not chose that path. He chose to initiate a revolution light years away from yours. Animated by an inner strength that he had develo...