SAINT HEROD Political story with known characters. Tired of being thought of as a baby eater, king Herod converts to religion. Perched on a golden palanquin held up by twelve slaves, he goes to the Crib of Bethlehem to adore the Infant God. The stench of the place is nauseating and nearly suffocates him. He tears his shirt as a mark of disgust and cries out with a slight cough: ««By the beard of Abraham, what a shame! And what a way of welcoming God on Earth!». He kicks out the shepherds, the sheep and other creatures, takes the holy family under his wing, sets the stable on fire and goes back to Jerusalem. He himself carries the infant Jesus in his arms, tickles him, cradles him and becomes so fond of the kid that it did not take time before he adopted him as a son and make him heir to his throne. Joseph, like his famous ancestor carrying the same name, is appointed prime minister of the kingdom, and Mary, as First Lady, is given the sweet task of dispensing priv...