In his message for the World Youth Day 2013, Pope Francis enthusiastically told thousands of young people coming from all over the world: "BE TROUBLE MAKERS !" Now, he has just elevated to sainthood a bishop from Central America who, for sure, caused trouble even when he had against him two Popes and the majority of the fellow bishops of his country. Canonization of Romero, the troublemaker A good move Romero who, from being a reactionary became a revolutionary, was declared a saint by pope Francis. A very good move, indeed! Romero actually was a saint of nonviolence and forgiveness, but above all, he was a saint of justice. He is among a few other saints the saint of the voiceless, a saint anti "establishment", a saint of the liberation of the oppressed, a saint who confronted identified oppressors with their machines of exploitation and destruction. Romero is a saint who inca...