Duty of memory « You hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets end decorate the monuments of the holy men. You say: had we lived in the time of our fathers, we would not have joined them in the blood of the prophets... And now, finish off what your fathers began!» (Matthew 23, 29-32) Fotos; Word Press Four witnesses of the Gospel have just been beatified in Argentina. They are Enrique Angelelli, Carlos Murias and Wenceslao Pedernera. The three were Argentines; the first was a bishop, the second was a Franciscan friar, the third was a committed lay peasant. Their companion, Gabriel Longueville, a French missionary priest, was also beatified with them. The four men lived in La Rioja, an impoverished province in the hinterland, where, in 1976, waited for them a brutal end. Who would've believed that? Forty years ago, a merciless military dictatorship takes place in Argentina. Many bishops, priests and catholic faithful welcome that dictatorship as...