Genesis 11

There was a time when, in the Church, everybody was using the same language and the same words. « Since God is One », we would say, « the Church will have a supreme authority over all authority. And since God is Truth, the only truth will be that of the authority. »    

And so, many human beings met in the Church, saying: « Amen! We will be one! And everybody will be with us. We will build a tower of which the foundations will cover the face of the earth and of which the head will penetrate heaven.                      

Each human being will be cut as stone equal in size to all the other stones. All the stones will fit one another and they will be fixed forever by the mortar of a unique thinking decreed by the unique authority.       And so, there will be no more divisions on earth and we will become invincible. We will be like God. »         

Now, God came down to see the tower that those humans were building. He saw how, in the name of unity, peoples, heads and hearts were being squared off. Minds were being flattened, lives were being crushed…And he said to himself: this is not the unity I wanted.     

I had said that they would be living stones and not living people turned into stone…They all bungled up my plan. If I let them go on, nothing will be able to stop them.                

And then, God had a wind of discord rise in the Church and separated those who spoke Greek from those who spoke Latin. And so appeared two Churches: the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church.               

This surgery slowed down a little the building of the tower, but the Catholic side recovered quite fast and the work resumed with renewed energy. And so, God was worried again, came down for a second time and separated those who spoke German and English from those who spoke the Latin languages, in this way giving birth to the Reformed or Protestant Church.     

Instead of one Church, we then ended up with three Churches, all quite more or less compact, shaken and dispersed. And happened what was to happen: the project of the tall tower fell through.               

God rub his hands and declared: « I still want them to be one, but I also want that it be known that I like variety a lot. » 

« Since it has been said about me that I am a God in Three Persons, of course I would like that my great Church be also one, but on one condition, that none of the three Churches loses its personality. »

« And so, they will be one and at the same time different, like the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. »

« And thus will it be with the truth. Amen. »

                                                                         Eloy Roy


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