From the chimney of the Sistine Chapel rises white smoke and the bells of St. Peter are pealing out. The Cardinal Protodeacon appears majestically at the balcony of the basilica and announces to the world that the Catholic Church has a new pope. But the name of the newly elected cannot be clearly heard. The procession cross then appears and behind it the silhouette of someone whose face, because of a problem with lighting, does not show clearly. It seems that it can be detected that he does not wear the usual papal insignia, and maybe he is without even a Roman collar and the white skullcap. He is seen greeting with sweeping gestures the crowd which fills up St. Peter square, and in turn the crowd answers him back with deafening cheers, but also with large interrogation marks in the eyes. And so, who is that pope indeed? That pope with a vague contour carries a Bible in his hand, opens it and going near the microphones begins to read in a vibrant voice: -...