Ph: Pravda ch

When the egg begins to crack, 
the chick is not far away.

I believe that we really cannot do much against the powerful machine which governs our world in its minute particles. Yet, I sense that a New Humanity is on the move.
It does not come out of our academes, nor from our revolutionary vanguards, nor from our naive and comfortable religions, nor from our most enlightened politicians: it is given birth by the people who suffers.        
It comes with the migrants and the refugees, the poorest of the poor, who flows like giant waves into the shores of Western Europe and North America. They are there crowding together on tiny islands of Italy, Greece and Spain; they are forcing their entry into Austria and Hungary; in moonless nights, they throw themselves into the black waters of the Río Grande. They stride over impassable walls while in their back thousands of their kind are swallowed by the sea or eaten alive by rats aboard wretched old tubs drifting in the middle of nowhere.             
They are bothered, exploited, trafficked by coyotes, hounded by policemen and their dogs, shot at point-blank range like rabbits by the «owners» of the world. They rot alive inside trucks or in abandoned containers, they hang on high speed trains to cross the tunnels of horrors, they eat earth to survive, they agonize like insects in the deserts.
They are hungry and thirsty for water, bread, light, justice, dignity, peace, joy, tenderness, freedom; they thirst for life! Nothing can stop them. They are not invading others’ land; they simply come to pick up a parcel of the wealth that was grabbed from them and which is kept under thousands of locks in the strongboxes of the «paradise» of the north.    
In truth, those men and women who are not afraid to die so as to live are those about whom the Gospel says: «Until, now, the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent are taking it by force» (Matthew 11,12).
They, the cursed of the earth, whom we kill without they killing us, and who are not welcomed inside the strongholds of our prosperity, God blesses them. Without knowing it, they are the saints of the new world. They knock down our close doors, not to steal or murder, but to open them…to a civilization «totally human» where, on the Earth which belongs to all, nobody should feel a stranger.   
At least, let us dare to dream…
                                                         Eloy Roy


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