In Paris, Mamoudou Gassama, an illegal resident coming from Mali, climbs barehanded in 30 seconds up to the balcony of a fifth floor and saves the life of a 4 years old child hanging in the air. That heroic act earns him on the spot dazzling fame and allows him to earn the French nationality. What an achievement! 

« I was afraid, but I did not think at anything, I just thought about saving him, and thank God, I saved him. And then, we entered the apartment, I began to shake, I could not stand on my two feet anymore» he explained, all moved.

If all human beings cannot be like Mamoudou, it is not because we lack energy; what we lack very often is the spark.

That spark resides in the heart of the humble of the Earth who risk their life each day to carve for themselves a little place on the planet. Used to storm   mountains deemed insurmountable, it is not the five stories of a building in Paris that will frighten them.
Our future belongs to people like them.

Translated from the French by Jacques Bourdages


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