SEPTEMBER 29, 2018



Only in the light
you may see the shadow
but the light indeed
does not create the shadow

the night
does not make the day
does not give birth
to death

myself I create the shadow
when I block the sun

Huge miracle

While rushing towards self-destruction, we continue to grow in number, in knowledge and even in consciousness. Is it not a huge miracle? ...

The cross


The cross of Jesus is not about turning away from the Earth to chase after Heaven, nor choosing the divine by rejecting the humane; it's about becoming one with the two, as the boat is to the sail.

Feet washing

As if we were plants, Jesus leans over us and waters our feet so that 
we grow in humanity. Maybe he would also like to shine our shoes as 
the little lustrabotas of the South do, while he himself goes barefoot
 like them ...

Anyway, washing our feet or shining our shoes, Jesus just wants us to know how a leader must act in his community: not as a commander, but as a caring brother.

Eppur si muove!
And yet it moves!


We do not "feel" that the Earth turns, and yet, it took millennia of observation to admit that it turns indeed. Similarly, if you don't "feel" directly the existence of God, if you are not able to see, to touch, to analyze God in the same way as you observe, feel with your hand and explore any object, that is far from being a proof that God does not exist. It is only a proof that God is not an object.
It is rather the proof that the tools that are created to scan matter are not very useful to scrutinize the fields which go beyond matter.
But here comes the big question: is there really anything outside of what is called Matter? Just ask quantum physics what Matter really means... 

Is not God simply Matter itself which would be made of life, intelligence, love and power going beyond everything: a God at a time infinitely immanent and infinitely transcendent? ...

The old lady

She was so old
and so poor
that she had eaten

all her teeth

The devil’s find

A devil who has just arrived in town cries out: "Eureka! I have found something that is foolproof. You are going to see the Catholic Church get bogged down in molasses for eternity! "The master blow consists in bringing into the head of the church the brilliant idea of ​​imposing celibacy on priests. "I am going to make them believe," says the devil, "that this brilliant idea comes from none other than God!"
But this devil, a little behind the times with the news, comes close to dying of a massive myocardial infarction when he discovers that, with her rule of obligatory celibacy for priests, the Church is already ahead of him for 1713 years. It never really worked - and today maybe less than ever - but the Church holds to it to the death.
"I did not have to lift a finger," says the devil out of spite, "and it's been almost two millennia since the Church put herself into molasses. What infuriates me the most is that she loves molasses! "


Jesus, man of Nazareth, you are the universal Server of all human computers. You are our Connection with all that overwhelms us. You are the living link that puts us in touch with all men, women, children, youth and elders of every language, every culture, religion and nation in the world. By your flesh, your blood, your word, your spirit, you make of all of us one body. You connect us to the stars and establish us in a deep and personal loving relationship with "THE ONE WHO IS". You are our Brother in humanity and our great Server in unity.

Great Recycler

Jesus took upon himself our garbage, rubbish and cancers, our decay, our death and everything else. By his Breath of creative love, God turned all that scrap into light ... "Great Recycler" is another name that I would like to give to the Risen One.

Karma and grace

Karma is a law as old as the world. This law says: you harvest what you sow. In other words, you are destined to endure indefinitely the consequences of your actions, good or bad.
Nobody rids oneself of his karma. You are chained up to it.

To freeyourself from your bad karma, very respectable religions offer you tricks, including the sacrifice of yourself until the complete annihilation of your being. It does not always work ... But do not despair. After millennia of trial and error, anguish and guilt feelings, the human conscience has given birth to an absolute novelty which is named: "Grace".

Grace means Free. Everything is free. God himself is entirely Free. God is Grace. All sin is forgiven; all debt is erased, sacrifices are abolished.

A man, whose memory has come down to us, lived this reality by loving even those who nailed him on a cross. Many have seen in this man the very face of God. With him, the long process of purifications and reincarnations that has no end, and the endless chains of guilt, revenge, and hatred come definitively to an end.

With him, God joins us in our sludge. He searches for us in the depths of what we are. He raises us, remakes us in his image, "by pure grace" (Ephesians 2: 4-6). Death itself is destroyed.

Believe it or not, we have entered already "the Resurrection Era".
It cannot be seen yet, but it's on the move! For the time being, things are still taking place slowly at the level of the roots...


The river was so high
that a duck and his sheduck
took a rowboat
to cross over

The losers

The winners are sometimes crowned as gods. That’s o.k. But the others, those who always are at the tail end?... What happens to the lowest of the low, to  the eternal losers in beauty, in love, in friendship, in tenderness; to  the losers at work, in competitive sports  and in canonization contests ? They are always there waiting in line and longing for a chance that never comes. They languish and suffer.
With God, it's different. He loves to crown everyone, both losers and winners. To all of them he pays the same fair and reasonable salary, and offers them the same trophy. Starting with whom? With the losers.
God is not only fair, he is also truly good.

Read: The workers in the vineyard, Matthew 20, 1-16

When Jesus blows his top


You make a whip and you hunt the sellers, the merchants, the profiteers, and all those charlatans who destroy the great Temple of the Earth. You drive out those who disembowel the Earth, who empty it of its entrails, bleed it white, poison its waters, its air; those who tear it apart, rape it, tear it to pieces. All those who profane the huge Temple of Nature, the wonderful home of the human family, you kick them out ... You make a whip and you chase the whole bunch with their bulldozers, their insecticides, their drills, their cyanide, their oil, their old tires, their bombs and their dirty dollars ...
                                                     (Mark: 11, 15-19)

Wind and Sun


Despite her numerous sins, her advanced age and accumulated fatigue, the Church still believes that she carries a new world in her womb. In order to take back her breath, she remembers, each year at Pentecost, that it was in a whirlwind and under a shower of fire that she was born (Acts 2: 1-4).

Strange coincidence ... Our world is actually discovering that the windmills and solar power will free us from fossil fuels and save the planet.

The Wind and Fire of Pentecost, the Aeolian and Solar energy: twin brothers, always new, clean and renewable! A new youthfulness for the Church and a sure future for the new world that is sprouting in her womb.

Life is always new

 As long as it lasts, life is new in each one of its moments. It is never the sum of all the experiences that would have piled up since the beginning. Like spring water that is always new, so is life in me. It flows all the time. In abundance. In great gushes!

Love is always new also; old love is not love anymore. If it grows old, it stagnates, dies out and disappears.

There is no old God either. God is always infinitely new. He would get old and die the moment you imprison him. He is like those birds that refuse to eat and let themselves die if they are caged; their life is freedom. So is God.

The gospel of Jesus is never old Good News. If, for a single moment, the gospel would cease to be new, it would no longer be the gospel. Every page of what is told about Jesus is a surprise. Each step after him is a step towards freedom and creativity, and often towards an impossibility that becomes a possibility. So it was yesterday, so it is today, so will it be tomorrow and forever and ever.

Nothing is more similar to death than what does not move or change; nothing deadlier than what is always the same.

My happiness

The lamp lights up
The bird sings
The brook runs down
The wind blows
The fire warms up
The tree produces its fruit
And me?
I do your will, Lord,
This is my only happiness
If I look
for a different food
The lamp no longer lights up
The bird remains silent
The wind dies out
The fire goes out
The tree turns into stone
The river dries up as a bone

 Silent work

While I am resting in you,
Life of life,
you seep like water
into my emptiness
and silently,
along my shores,
your Kingdom grows

 Eloy Roy


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