Jean Ménard is a dearest friend of mine who speaks with the flowers. If he himself had not confessed it to me, never would I have believed him. When he was small, very often he would lie on the ground in the large garden of flowers planted by his           grand-father. Some of those flowers were rare specimens and they filled him with wonder. From afar they came, maybe from other planets or other stars…, like him? ...                   
Today now aged of 87, he has weakened in his being; he has a hard time to stand up by himself after having walked so much.  He suffers to death in the solitude of the night, all alone with his story, living in collusion with two plants in his room. They are his companions in his cell, the only living beings with whom he can talk to at that hour when the day is phasing out.   
My friend’s family belonged to the working class. He owes everything to the workers. He paid them in return by struggling and giving his life for them in Cuba, in Chile, in Nicaragua, in Québec. His commitment as an educator and most especially as a conscience arouser brought him step by step to share the lot of the poorest to the point of sleeping among rats and the vomit of the alcoholics. He entered the darkest holes to listen to the voice of the little ones, and he climbed on all sorts of grandstands to have it heard. His intelligence is acute and his memory is just phenomenal. Behind the peace and a mischievous humor, he is hypersensitive. He was the heart, the eyes, the voice of the godforsaken. When he speaks about them, his face lights up and at times his eyes moisten with tears.
In him we can find laughter, cunning, metaphors, a lot of anger also, and a lot of distress. That indignation, that powerlessness and that distress which grazes despair, most Quebecers can only express them by «swearing». Therefore, the stories of my friend (he is a fabulous storyteller) are often punctuated of well placed swearwords, like pauses that say a lot about what cannot be said…        
He is also a priest. He does not make a secret of it, but the roman collar vanished from his universe since a long time. He does not belong to the caste of the « eunuchs for the Kingdom» and he is anticlerical, like Jesus. His friends are basically unionists, militants of human rights and of social justice, entities committed to the development of a human and durable economy, defenders of the environment and of ecology, without forgetting the prostitutes, the homosexuals, the drug addicts, the alcoholics and all the rejected by the nice society of thieves wearing a tie, and by those «correct» people who are leached with the moral standards of the rich and of the powerful.                             
His enemies are by millions but can be summarized into one: CAPITALISM which, in its bourgeois version, is often draped in all the virtues and is even greeted as the salvation of humankind. That system which incarnates the hypocrisy in its extreme form is of course perceived as the Messiah and the adored Lord, loved and copiously fed by the prevailing ideology of the right-thinking society and by the Church, in its almighty version, which is believed to be the infallible guardian of the «universal peace» and of the eternal truth…                     
My friend never went down on his knees before the monsters in history who dreamt of establishing paradise on earth by murdering all those who were not in agreement with them and who only dug a hell worst than the one they pretended to destroy. This being said, my friend is a revolutionary like Jesus. He is against the dictatorship of the Capital and also against the dictatorship of the Proletariat. He is against any Dictatorship, most especially the religious one. He stands for freedom, like Jesus; for justice, like Jesus; for truth, like Jesus. He is for goodness and tolerance, like Jesus. Like Jesus, he is a promoter of a humanity that is simply…human, because if God is sought for truly, in this process he will certainly let himself be known..                  

He is harsh with many members of his spiritual family, maybe because he never felt that he was really understood or accompanied by them. He was loved by four or five of them, detested by a few others, appreciated by some (from afar), but tolerated and especially ignored by the majority. He has never been like the others. He did not bleat with the sheep. He was critical towards many things. He did not see the world with the eyes of religion, of dogmas, of moral norms and of liturgical rites. He saw the world as it is, without pious glasses. He analyzed it with the precision of a clockmaker. He could dismantle the most subtle mechanisms of neo-liberalism and demonstrate its total iniquity. He was not against globalization per se, but only against the globalization of injustice given birth by the insatiable rapaciousness of those who already own everything.      
Do not talk to him about Jesus Christ, unless you clarify many things about him. The powerful who have dictated in the Church for more than fifteen centuries have perverted the real Jesus. They made of him a demigod descended from heaven to «baptize» the established system in order to preserve its peace and order…But then, it is of course by the system in place in his time that Jesus was crucified; yet, that system was not much different than the one which, nowadays, is crucifying more than half of humankind.
A Christ like this, emptied of his salt and of his prophetic power, is a false Christ. He is a pure fabrication of the powerful “owners” of the earth who are precisely the ones that my friend denounces so strongly. He prefers a thousand times to be thought of as an atheist than a partisan of such a Christ, or of a Church who worships such a Christ. For him, Jesus belongs essentially to the poor, to the oppressed, to the unlucky, but the rich have stolen him from them, as they have stolen everything else from them anyway. The great official Christ of our official Churches that generally get on well with the banks, the multinational corporations, the mafia, the governments and the dictatorships (especially those that identify themselves as Catholic or Christian), is not the Jesus of the Gospel, and their God is not the God of Jesus, nor the God of my friend. 
In fact, my friend is considered an atheist. That is odd… When Jesus was accused of being a «blasphemer», it was exactly meant to say that he also was a godless man; that is an atheist and a devil. For our well washed brains, the Almighty God and Power are only one. To criticize Power is to criticize God or deny Him.  Yet, Jesus was provoking power, especially the religious one. He never let the opportunity slip by to manhandle it. And so, Jesus was surely an atheist, like my friend. Jesus was gentle, compassionate, he was patient, and my friend also, but he was also a provocateur. He would unmask the hypocrisy that is particularly good at clothing itself in virtue. 
My friend is not a saint, not more than Jesus actually who was being called a drunkard, a glutton, an insane, and even a sinner being possessed by the devil. My friend is a unionist and a close friend of Michel Chartrand, the “swearer”, the bad mouth, who was probably the most upright man and the most robust Christian that Quebec ever gave birth to. In his youth, my friend also was a fan of Dorothy Day, the heroic apostle of the workers of the slums of New York. In her time, that Christian lady was ferociously denounced as being a «communist» and even fought against by the Church. Nowadays, her cause for canonization has been introduced in Rome. What a Church for God sake: she makes martyrs and then she canonizes them! ...         
Among the “bad guys” with whom my friend is associated, there is also Leonardo Boff, brilliant theologian who had the Theology of Liberation be known throughout the world. My friend and Leonardo belonged to a group of Christians of the left or of the right who were the first, forty years after Mao’s revolution, to set foot in communist China, as official guests of the Bureau of religious affairs in that country. At that time, Leonardo had not yet been definitely treated as a leper beyond redemption, but already figured on the black list of the Vatican. Nowadays, pope Francis easily consults him for the redaction of his encyclicals…Oscar Romero, Enrique Angelelli,  Helder Câmara, Proaño were also looked upon as annoying “red” sheep in the fold of Rome, but one of them is already canonized and the others will be also in due time.
There are dozens of thousands to have been persecuted, rejected, damned even, by a Church still domineering, congealed in an imperial past, which has not yet digested the Vatican II Council and which still considers that the Good News to the poor and the liberation of the oppressed are outdated fashions fed by Marxism and even by the devil. Will she ever learn? Will Pope Francis be able to reverse engines, he who calls to fight («Hagan lío!»), and even to revolt against Capitalism and its dictatorship of money which, according to his own words, is «the feces of the devil»?...
It is in those waters that my friend was involved all his life. He associated with «suspicious persons» and ate with «sinners», like Jesus. That is why, in 1970, we find him in the Soviet Union, but, at Christmas night, in the Red Square in Moscow, he was singing in French the hymn: «Christians, It’s Midnight! …People, rise! Sing your liberation! »…
My friend would run from one World Social Forum to another. He would find himself in Bosnia for human Rights. He would crisscross the province of Quebec to unmask the snares of neo-liberalism and bring to emergence a «new consciousness», the only real force capable of overturning mountains. Besides being a unionist, he is an ecologist, an anti-globalization activist, a socialist, a pro-independence citizen, a founding member of Québec Solidaire Party, a "carré rouge" and a feminist; once in a while, he participates in masses celebrated by women, yes by women, belonging to what they call the Catholic Church “out of the Walls». In short, he has all the vices! If he had lived during Jesus’ time, he would have been crucified with him…  
In solidarity with all the victims, he finally became one of them. It is really too bad, but new inroads are at times strange…
When he dies, we will say of him that he was a good servant of the Gospel and we will cover his coffin with a beautiful wreath of flowers. Wonderful! I mentioned it at the beginning: my friend loves sleeping among flowers.
                                                                       Eloy Roy
August 2015
Translated from the French by Jacques Bourdages 

All that the planet counts of poor and excluded met at the Vatican between October 27 and 29, 2014, at the invitation of Pope Francis, for a World Meeting of Popular Movements.
 « The poor not only suffer injustice, but they also struggle against it (…) My desire is that this wind be transformed into a whirlwind of hope. »
« Some, when I ask for the poor of the earth, a roof and work, say that «the Pope is a communist»! They do not understand that solidarity with the poor is at the root of the Gospels»- recalls Pope Francis during his address on October 28


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