In a land of mountains and sheep that I loved, we had a Tree of Life. In the off-season, when everything seemed to be over, we took a dry branch, decorated it with small balls of colored wool, and said, "They represent the fruits we will reap tomorrow. Because again the Earth will green  and life will flourish again. It was our Christmas Tree, it was our tree of hope.

In December, in a cold country like Canada, we cut a tree and say, "Nothing grows. Winter is back, life is gone ... But you, cut fir, we bring you home and we dress you with shiny balls and garlands of gold. With you we defeat death. We affirm that nothing is finished ... Already we see shining at the end of your branches new fruits. They are beautiful as stars. Life was buried today and she fell asleep, but tomorrow she will come back! "


Yes, life will reappear as surely as the sun will return in the spring. Hold on, natives of my country, yellow jackets from France, resistance fighters from Hong Kong, Catalonia, Chile, Haiti, Algeria, Ukraine and Kurdistan: the sun is already rising in the winter of your battles! All of you who are struggling with the Goliaths who are trying to decide your fate in Bolivia, Sudan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Mali, Xinjiang and elsewhere, hold on! As always, the great powers pretend to rescue you to better divert your resistance to their advantage, don't let them fool you! You, the lucid, the persecuted, the poor, you, the last of this world, hang on! And you too, planet Earth, so massacred, so devastated, so mortally wounded.

Right now, all over the world, you, ignored people, are straightening your heads.  You seize the freedom of speech from which you had been robbed and you face tear gas, batons and water cannons. With umbrellas you make fun of the balls of the Empire ... Hold on!  By pushing back some corruption champions, you have already given them a chance to make perhaps the only honest gesture of their lives: that of resigning ... But you aim further. It's all the System you want to throw overboard. Sharks expect no less.

Thanks to you, life wants to come back in our winters. On the dead trees begin to glow beautiful fruits. Christmas is the future of the world. By snuggling in a crib and suffering a thousand calamities, Life will eventually outwit the old Herod for good. Evil cannot last forever because it carries in itself the seeds of its own ruin. Only good never dies. Let's hold on!

                                                                                 Eloy Roy


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